14th May 2008, 00:08 thief0 Hookshot demo - May 14, 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- hello, I've tried to create a new tool called the hookshot. MAKE SURE TO ADUST YOUR CROSSHAIR AT THE BEGINNING!!! Yes, this mission features a crosshair. AND MAKE SURE THAT YOU DON'T HAVE ANY CUSTOM FONT INSTALLED FOR ONSCREEN TEXT, or else the crosshair will not aim properly. read the description below to get instructions. Description: This is just a demo, so don't expect any great architecture and texturing. In fact, the mission is very weird-looking and ugly. This is a demo of a tool called a hookshot. If you've played Zelda: Ocarina of time, you should know what I'm talking about. Basically, it's an arrow that Garrett shoots at a wooden object, and then he gets pulled towards it. To bring up the arrow, press whichever key you normally press to bring up the broadhead arrows (default: 3). To fire the arrow, simply left-click the mouse button once, no need to press and hold. I wasn't able to actually show the chain mechanism extended and contracting. So, I just made that part of the "story." I called the hookshot "fiber-roped hookshot" - meaning, the chain/rope is meant to be transparent and invisible. Once you reach your destination, you will fall down a moment later. It should be possible to make the arrow deploy a rope; I did think of that; however, I think it's more exciting when you sometimes fall and have to hookshot in mid-air. and the crosshair: in your inventory I've put icons so that you can match the crosshair to your game resolution. The crosshair is defaulted to a resolution of 1280 x 1024. it'll take a few seconds for the crosshair to adjust. also, whenever you complete an objective, the crosshair disappears for a few seconds and then reappears. However, I don't know if the crosshair will be accurate - this might be do to difference in monitor size. sorry, but this was the best I could do. currently supported game resolutions for the crosshair are: 640 x 480 800 x 600 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 1600 x 1200 I'm sorry if your game resolution is not supported. and again, I'm sorry if the crosshair isn't accurate even at your resolution. All these were pretty accurate on my monitor. All of the above should make much more sense once you enter the mission. Mind you, I did do some risky things with dromed, Known bugs: -occasionally you can get stuck once reaching your destination. - if a solid brush gets in your hookshot path, the game can crash. even your pc might crash (sry). - occasionally, garrett might get cannonballed to the wrong location. - the game just randomly crash (and ur pc) - very rare - randomly, garrett may let go in the middle of the path and fall down and now, on to the download. I would like to thank Zontik for betatesting.